Meet The Team

We’re a hybrid team with our home office in Indianapolis and virtual offices in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Richmond, and beyond. Led by a clearly defined set of values that informs everything we do, we’re working to help change the world one leader at a time and starting with YOU.

Kevin Eikenberry

Kevin Eikenberry

Chief Potential Officer

Husband, father, son. Optimist, leader, learner. Believer in people. Open to change and lover of traditions. Fan of my Boilermakers and all things John Deere.


Marlene Brauchle

Learning Concierge

Lover of all people – especially nice ones and Nittany Lions. Good Samaritan, especially gifted napper, and looks great in hats. Pun enthusiast; Buddy, can you paradigm?


Eric Dolson

Senior Sales Consultant

Heart of a servant. Focused on others first, to shed light on their true potential. Hiker. Spartan dad to a Sun Devil daughter. Loves like his golden retriever and—SQUIRREL!

Marisa Eikenberry

Web Developer & Podcast Editor

All around tech geek. Wife, podcast enthusiast, sister of Phi Mu Fraternity, bookworm, aspiring home cook and lover of learning.

Guy Harris

Master Trainer and Coach

Trainer, speaker, coach and author. Married father of two with grandchildren. Loves woodworking, building projects, writing code, cooking, and roasting coffee.


Adrienne Knox

Director of Marketing

Mom of two. Wife to one. College football addict. Harsh critic of people who put two spaces after periods.

Peggy McCormick

Master Parcel Officer

Self-proclaimed enthusiast of collecting lighthouses and teapots; desperately in need of more shelf space. Always on the lookout for a good rainbow. Loves family.

Barb McLin

Senior Sales Consultant

I am a fortunate woman. I was married to my darling husband for 57 years. We have a daughter who has two adult children. We also have a son and his wife, who have two adult children plus one still in high school. I enjoy my life, my family, my job and my friends. This lady is determined to grow old as young as possible.

Lisa Ritter-McMahan

Marketing Specialist/Remarkable Leadership Podcast Liaison

COO for 2 wonder boys + 1 husband. Runner, Colts/Pacers/Hoosier fan, and swordfight mediator. Dream day: beachside with a cool sip and magazines.

Phill Rosenzweig

Senior Sales Consultant

Husband and father. Lifelong dedication to learning. Sales professional. Third generation Cincinnati Reds fan and avid Bengals (WHO DEY!) fan. Enjoys cold weather and reading in front of a fireplace. Best day is with family on the deck.

Wayne Turmel

Master Trainer and Coach

Father and husband, decent at both. Shares his office with Mad Max the manliest of poodles.