In today’s episode, I’m joined by Becky Robinson, author, and the founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, Inc., a social media and digital publicity company for authors and thought leaders. We’ll discuss entrepreneurship from a female’s perspective, and how to successfully create and lead an organization built on specific core values, as well as overcoming
Some of my clients are already in leadership roles, they are tenured or new leaders who want to become better leaders or to improve their team environment. Some are not yet leaders, but they want to develop leadership skills in preparation for advancement. One of my more memorable encounters was with a person in the latter
When an employee is leaving an organization, whether that’s for a new opportunity or retirement, there’s always the chance for “coasting”. And the behaviors of a coasting employee can significantly and negatively impact and influence the rest of the team. In today’s video, I’m going to give you a few pointers on how you can
In today’s episode, I’m talking with Susan Fowler, who is the author of various by-lined articles, peer-reviewed research, and six books, including the bestselling Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager with Ken Blanchard. In her new best-seller, Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work…and What Does, she applies psychological discoveries that lay out a successful, research-based
On July 26, 2016, Susan Peters, the Vice President of Human Resources at GE announced a shift in how performance management will be done for the 300,000 employees at GE. Her is part of what she announced: “Today we’re announcing our latest update to Performance Development. Bottom line: after running pilots with 30,000 employees and
By Marcia Reynolds There are plenty of good books about crucial and fierce and difficult conversations – and I recommend you read them. All of them come at the conversation from the personal perspective – what can you do to get your point across in an effective way. As important as this is, there is
Coaching people is a lot like growing grass. Wait, what? That’s right. In today’s episode of Remarkable TV, I’m shooting in a special location (my farm in Michigan) so I’m sharing 3 tips that will help you to coach reluctant people and that I learned when trying to grow grass. It that doesn’t hook you,
The quote to the right couldn’t be more true. While it is spot on for everyone, it is especially true for leaders. Some (relatively small) percentage of the population is naturally inclined to plan, but most of us just aren’t. So people’s (including yours and your employees’) first inclination in the face of a new project or challenge is to jump right in
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