I often joke that if you have a quotation you want to use but don’t know who to attribute it to, say it is from Abraham Lincoln, Ben Franklin, or Mark Twain. Why? Because they said smart stuff and people tend to listen to them! Today’s quotation really is from Mark Twain – and it

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I grew up on a farm and was hard on jeans as a kid. Just ask my mom, a talented seamstress who spent more hours than you can imagine mending torn jeans. Today, jeans come with holes – and you pay extra for them. In my youth, you earned those holes, and didn’t ever want

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On September 30, 1993, I turned in my badge and office key at Chevron in downtown San Francisco, and the next day I started my business – the business now known as The Kevin Eikenberry Group. That means, in a bit more than a month, I will celebrate 20 years in business. What started at

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by Judith H. Katz and Frederick A. Miller The subtitle of this book which published in May of this year is “4 Keys that change everything”.  It is a big promise, and while there may be a bit of accepted hyperbole there, generally speaking the four big ideas in this book will have, when implemented,

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Ask my team and they will tell you I am full of (too many?) new ideas, and ask me and I will tell you that we don’t always innovate as much as I would like. Thinking about this paradox on a flight yesterday led me to look squarely at me. After all, if we aren’t

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By Sharon Armstrong Most all managers and leaders do performance reviews, and most don’t look forward to them. This practical and broad ranging book may help. About the final third of the book is a compilation of sample forms that an organization could adopt or adapt, but the first 130 pages applies to all leaders

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Today’s quotation comes from a man who became President first by not being elected (when Franklin Roosevelt died) and remained after most thought he wouldn’t win re-election.  In this quotation he talks about how he feels his behavior was mis-perceived. I think it has application for us, which is why I share it with you

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People often want to talk to me about accountability, and how to create more of it (mostly, that part of the conversation is about other people). Today’s quotation is a favorite of mine, and helps us put all of this in proper perspective. Questions to Ponder – What can I do? – What have I

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Did you have a hero as a kid? Do you have one now? I’m guessing you had one as a kid, and at some level I am hoping you have one (or more) now. I’m not talking heroes in the sense of “worshiping the ground they walk on” – but heroes in the sense of

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Most everyone would say that attitude is important – even those who would admit theirs isn’t as positive as it could be. And most people who know me would say that I am a pretty upbeat, and positive person. In fact, some have said I was as positive as anyone they’ve known (and I was

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