When people are physically uncomfortable, they generally have difficulty focusing on the work at hand, and they tend to become emotionally sensitive and irritable. Both can decrease productivity and increase conflict. Here are three of the most common issues I see as I work with my clients: 1. Space constraints Such constraints can take many forms, but
Most of us, when facing a speech, want to be as prepared as possible, planning, rehearsing and practicing for days (or weeks) in advance. And unfortunately, the impromptu speech doesn’t allow for this preparation. So today, I’m giving you four steps to help you prepare for that next impromptu speech that if you haven’t faced
This is a guest post by Nathan Jansch. If you manage employees remotely or have colleagues who work in different locations, staying in touch can get pushed aside by more pressing, revenue-generating tasks. But it’s vital to stay connected and to manage, if we’re talking about employees. Below are some tips on how to be an
I’ve been working with people in all levels of organizations for nearly thirty years – from CEO’s to middle managers, from frontline employees to first level leaders. And the single most common concern I’ve heard across all those people, across all those years is: communication in the organization. I’ve worked with organizations where it truly
By Jaimy Ford Today, we are going to step back and take a broader look at leadership. In a recent post, we talked about how the basic qualities that make leaders successful are the same regardless of where employees are located, and this post expands on that a bit. I came across the infographic created by Classy.org below,
This is a guest post by Phil Gerbyshack, a trainer and speaker. If you’re a boss, one of the most important parts of your job is giving directions. Whether you’re training, coaching, or assigning work, it’s critical to do the job right. If you think about what you do when you share travel directions, you’ll
By Guy Harris The word “trust” has many layers of meaning. While most of us have similar general perspectives about what it means to trust another person, there are some subtle differences in how we view this simple word. The words I often use to describe the two sides of trust are transactional trust and
There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to managing conflict and a very important component is helping to get to a resolution plan. In today’s episode, we are giving actionable tips for creating a process that reduces conflict and helps leaders to move employees toward a resolution in any conflict situation.
I could give you examples of the premise of this article every week. This particular week I spent in New York City on vacation with my wife and daughter. I will share two examples from our experiences to define the fine line between intuition and judgment. Sunday, sitting in a restaurant by the street. It
Only about half of employees understand what is expected of them, according to a Gallup poll. Let that sink in. That’s 50% of employees who don’t understand what they need to do to excel at the job. 50% of employees who have no idea how to meet the expectations of their supervisor or the organization.
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