How did meetings work in your organization before the pandemic? Now that you’re working in a hybrid fashion, have you made adjustments to that meeting culture? Kevin explains some important distinctions that certainly make a big difference. Stay in the know with all the latest developments in remote work with the Future of Work newsletter.
Maybe the most divisive topic in remote work is whether email is a help or a hindrance to our productivity. It’s fast, convenient and pretty much free. On the other hand, there’s too much of it, our inboxes are inundated, and responding to all those notifications stops us from doing other, more productive, work. There
by Kevin Eikenberry Many people are talking about the future of work and talking about hybrid teams. Time spent helping build and lead hybrid teams is important (here is the Master Class I created on this topic), but success requires more than that. Remember that your hybrid team is made up of hybrid team members.
Get a couple of books under your belt, and people ask you a lot of questions (and expect answers). Lately we have been asked about the skills needed for organizations to grow. I struggle to answer it, because the answer isn’t that simple. It’s easy to throw around buzzwords like, “ideation,” and everyone’s favorite, “synergistic
In order for your hybrid team to succeed, individual hybrid team members must have the skills to succeed. The old cliché that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link definitely applies here. Recently I wrote a post on the Remote Leadership Institute Blog about determining what those skills might be across your
It’s really difficult to achieve common goals when employers and employees are pursuing different aims. Wayne talks about the different wants and needs employers and employees are expressing today and how they can get on the same page. Whether you’re an employer or employee, you need to stay up to date on all the fast-moving
by Guy Harris Coaching team members can be challenging even when everyone is in the same place. Coaching a team with everyone working remotely introduces additional challenges. And coaching a team with some members working in the office and others working remotely (a hybrid team), introduces still more challenges. Coaching a hybrid team of leaders
by Kevin Eikenberry The hybrid workplace, for many of you is coming. Perhaps you are already there. Perhaps the timeline keeps changing, but if you see a hybrid workplace in your future, the question posed in the title here is critical. Is your team ready for this new working arrangement? Are individuals ready for it?
When you have a hybrid team, some of your team works in the office, some work from home, and some work who-knows-where depending on the day. That can make it hard to create a cohesive team. It isn’t that the team intentionally doesn’t want to work with people who don’t share their workspace, or that
by Kevin Eikenberry Now that you are a leader get used to your role in implementing new policies. As long as there are organizations, there have been policies and procedures, and I don’t really expect that to change. Today your organization may be asking you to implement policies related to hybrid and/or flexible work. While
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