Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player…Listen to this article. (Voice is AI-generated. Inconsistencies may occur.) You’ve heard of probable cause. You’ve found root causes for problems. But what is plausible cause and why should we care? After all, plausible cause isn’t even an entry in my favorite dictionary (Merriam-Webster). Dictionary.com says it means having

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Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player…Listen to this article. (Voice is AI-generated. Inconsistencies may occur.) The concept of a playbook in sports originated over 100 years ago in American football. Now, versions of a playbook exist in most sports. My question is, should they be limited to sports? Do you have a leadership

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Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player…Listen to this article. (Voice is AI-generated. Inconsistencies may occur.) The world has always been an uncertain place. After all, none of us can see or predict the future. And the level of uncertainty we face as the world has grown more complex at times seems almost overwhelming.

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If I asked you to list the things that you need to build your competence in anything, the list likely contains (and likely starts with) confidence. Without confidence, you might not try. Once you have tried, and have at least some success, you build confidence. And the loop starts over. So, if confidence is foundational to our (and our

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Lots of adjectives are used to define leaders. And chances are, flexible isn’t one you typically think about. I mean, is being a flexible leader even a good idea? Most would agree we want leaders to be consistent. So, it begs the question: are we risking consistency if we strive for flexibility?\ Consistency in some things

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Advice. As leaders, we give quite a bit of it. So much that we probably don’t really think that much about it. I believe we need to think much more about it. We need to think about it in three dimensions – why we are delivering it, how we are delivering it and what we want

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Leaders, whether they realize it or not, are in the change business. After all, if nothing was changing, and things were going great, would we even need leaders? But since things are always changing, perhaps faster than ever, we need leaders who can effectively lead change. In other words, leaders need to master change leadership. To

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The world and our work situations are changing – rapidly. Just when you think things are settling in, something else changes. And in a world that is more interconnected than ever, changes in one place can domino to plenty of other places, including the daily work of you and your team. Amid all that change,

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Priorities, procrastination, and productivity. All of us have struggled with at least one (or maybe all three) in our lives. One we want less of, one we want more of, and one we want to be clearer. Let’s talk about the connection between these elusive ideas and what we can do to get all of

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