Are you making this costly leadership mistake? You’ve definitely seen it before and likely even made it yourself. And building your influence doesn’t happen if you are. Check out my latest Remarkable TV episode below and find out. When we are doing all of the talking, we won’t get the results that we want. If
The role that firefighters play in our society is secure. The way that we honor their service is appropriate. I have close friends who are and have been firefighters, and so I personally hold them in high regard. Great firefighters are leaders of their teams in situations far beyond what most of us could imagine.
Because you are reading these words, I am confident you are a believer in ongoing learning and development for yourself and those you lead. Precisely because this is your bias, you may find it hard to understand why your team members aren’t anxiously looking forward to attending the training you offer them or is in
My calendar shows January 8th – which means we are already more than one week into the New Year. Which means that a goodly percentage of those who set resolutions have already broken them. Which also means that there are many people who planned to set goals during the holidays – and definitely before January
To be clear, there are as many different leadership styles as there are people. Yes, lots of smart people have created models to define and describe basic leadership styles, and yet all of us bring our uniqueness to the equation too. Perhaps the simplest of leadership style models divides leaders into “people leaders” and “task
There is much written about (and worth learning about) project planning and goal achievement. You can learn many strategies and approaches to help your projects be successful and your goals be reached. Seldom is today’s starting point discussed. Yet rightly, this starting point will make all of the tactics, tools, and approaches work better. In
There are lots of things people become addicted to. I believe one of the most prevalent isn’t ever mentioned in the same breath with the addictions you thought of as you were reading the first sentence. Under-recognized, unspoken and without a support group, perhaps the biggest addiction that business people have is distractions. For example,
John Wayne was one of the biggest film stars ever. And his legacy has been hindering leaders for a long time. Unwittingly, in many of his movies, John Wayne “proves” that you can succeed alone. All you need is the biggest will, the most stamina, and the fastest gun. John Wayne taught (well, perhaps reinforced)
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