Recently, my wife, Lori and I were on the beach (specifically in the Outer Banks of North Carolina), and one of the things that we did was occasionally pick up a shell. It appeared that everywhere we walked, there were shells. I noticed that after you picked up a shell and the water washed in

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You read that right, yo-yos and leadership. I’ve done what we call mashups before, where we take something and connect it to leadership. I’m going to do that again in the video below, and I hope you find this to be fun and insightful as we talk about yo-yos and leadership. Lesson #1: Getting by comes quickly. Lesson

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Someone recently asked me what we’ve learned about podcasting because as of the time I’m recording this, we’ve been doing it for over six years, every week, sometimes more than every week. Having an interview or a conversation with a leadership expert or an expert leader every week. So what have we learned about podcasting? One

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Inspiration is important. When we have more inspiration, it amps up our energy. We also have a greater focus and greater resolve. And as we’re more inspired, we take action. So where do you look for inspiration? I can tell you! Check out the video below to find out! Follow The Remarkable Leadership Podcast Apple Podcast

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You’ve heard the phrase that when something seems too good to be true, it probably is. You’ve heard it. You’ve said it. And you’ve thought it. And sometimes it’s accurate. Today I am encouraging us to go past that moment to look a little deeper. Here are some questions to consider when you have this thought

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By Kevin Eikenberry You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Hi, I’m Kevin Eikenberry, answering the questions that new leaders ask us. Actually, it’s our goal to help all leaders become more confident, successful and, productive. And we do that here by answering the questions that leaders ask us. Today, I’m answering a question about

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