The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say no to almost everything. You’ve gotta keep control of your time, and you can’t unless you say no. You can’t let people set your agenda in life. – Warren Buffett Now who am I to argue with Warren Buffett? I
This title might have you wondering why as the coach, you are asking questions versus providing answers. And the reason is, I believe that the best coaches have good questions. In the video, you’ll learn five coaching questions that are valuable in almost any coaching situation – formal or informal coaching, virtual or face-to-face…any time
I recently received an email from the Principal of the High School that I attended, asking if I would help with a project. As the students are getting ready to celebrate a COVID-style homecoming, the staff is asking alum to share messages of encouragement and support. I was happy and honored to do this and
In a fast-paced (and often remote working) world, we seem to run our days on “transactions” – short-term, project-driven tasks. And while transactions get things done in the short term, relationships are built and nourished on interactions. And in a remote working world, relationships are even harder to maintain. That’s why it’s important that we
In the world today, people are running hard and fast, many so focused on taking care of others – be that their children, spouse, clients, teammates, students or their patients – that they aren’t taking the time to take care of themselves. It’s gotten so bad, that I recently read about a nursing school that
In this video, I’m talking about The Epidemic of Loneliness and what we can do about it. Before the pandemic, there was already an epidemic of loneliness. And while we know that the pandemic will eventually subside, the epidemic may not… In fact, loneliness is becoming a larger and more important issue as more and
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