While delivering bad news in person is the best possible method, that’s not always possible when you have a remote team. Check out the video below for tips to keep in mind if you find yourself in this situation. http://kevineikenberry.wistia.com/medias/ae9ydyygnj?embedType=iframe&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio For more tips on communicating and
The question isn’t really are your people multi-tasking instead of focusing, the question is are they serial multi-taskers? If so, it’s a coaching and performance management issue that starts with us as leaders. http://kevineikenberry.wistia.com/medias/e88vsddhon?embedType=iframe&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio And now we’d like to hear from you… How do you manage
By Kevin Eikenberry There are many reasons why trust is important to leaders. With higher levels of trust, you are able to influence change more easily and quickly. With more trust, you are able to create higher levels of productivity and team cohesiveness. I could go on, but in short, gaining your employees’ trust is critical
By Kevin Eikenberry. Until recently, when people thought of the word “team,” they thought of a group of people working together in close proximity. That applied to any sort of team, be it sports or work. Of course, the world looks different now. While sports teams still need to compete on the same field or
In this video, “7 Tips to Help Virtual or Distant Leaders Avoid Destroying Morale,” Chris Stowell with The Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness tells you how to avoid damaging employees’ morale and increasing their stress levels when you meet with them face-to-face. Use his 7 tips to make the most out of the time
More and more companies are testing the concept of remote working. But when managing a remote team, you need to be flexible, transparent, and understanding. Formstack put a few of your favorite fictional bosses to the test. Could Miranda Priestly, Don Draper, Michael Scott, Ron Swanson, or Bill Lumbergh cut it in a remote office?
By Kevin Eikenberry Many leaders really struggle when it comes to delegating. Some leaders think “No one can do it as well as I can,” and so they continue to complete tasks even when those tasks pull them away from more important work. Other leaders are convinced that it will take longer to train employees
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