Over the years, I’ve come to believe, and have told many groups, that feedback often says as much about us as it does the performance about which we are giving feedback. Even if you wouldn’t go quite that far, it is safe to say that it is difficult/impossible for our feedback not to be, at

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Today’s episode is in response to a question that I got as a result of a recent blog post I wrote on coaching to attitude. The question: Isn’t attitude a form of behavior? When I get this question, my answer always starts with another question: “What are they actually doing, what is their behavior?” And

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Delegation is something that every leader has feelings about. Some feel they do it well. Some don’t even know where to start. Some have seen a good example of it. Some feel like every time someone has “delegated” to them, it felt like they’d just been dumped on. Some think it is something they should

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I don’t often (ok, basically never) write about politics or the political system, except to look for lessons we can learn from what our leaders are doing (or not doing). I’ll get to the lesson, but first, the frustration most all of us share. Why can’t our Congress and our President get along? I mean,

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While Valentine’s Day is past, it is still the month of love, so I’m staying with that theme. Couple that with the post I wrote last week about a dialogue disaster, and this week I want to talk more about dialogue and connect it to romance.  Strange? I think when you are done reading you

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It happens everywhere I go – and it does to you too – if you notice (and aren’t doing it yourself). Last winter, I was at my daughter’s first Middle School swim meet, and I was appalled. Not by the contestants, actually I was inspired by their performances, support for each other, and more, but that is

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Sometimes a quotation stands on its own, regardless of who said it. And sometimes, when you understand or know something about the person, the quotation takes on additional weight and meaning. Today’s falls into the second category. When you think about how much Edison accomplished, it is easy to be astounded. Edison’s point is that

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One of the truths about leadership, not often talked about, is that when we become leaders we must begin to look at and see the world differently – at least if we want to be successful and effective. Following that idea, the obvious question is, what are the ways we need to look at the

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There are lots of reasons to be more interested in the world around you, and I will share some below. But today’s quotation struck me as quite profound when I read it recently, which is why I’m sharing it with you. I hope you take the questions and action steps below to heart (and feet).

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