Like so many words we use commonly, the word trust has many layers of meaning. Most of us have similar general perspectives about what it means to trust another person. But there are some subtle differences in how we view this simple word. These subtle differences can have an enormous impact on how we use it to communicate ideas.

The words I often use to describe the two sides of trust are transactional trust and relational trust. Here is how I define the terms:

  • Transactional trust is trusting another person to do what they said they would do or complete an assigned task.
  • Relational trust is trusting another person to listen to and understand us and our emotional state. That they will recognize our emotional perspective without passing judgment, criticizing, sharing it with others, or using the knowledge to somehow harm us.

At different times and in different situations, both components of trust affect our interactions and relationships. Most people experience and rely upon both trust components as they make decisions about how to interact with others. However, there are subtle differences in the priority that people place on the two components as they make decisions.

For You as The Leader

Leaders who focus heavily on task issues often place a higher priority on transactional trust than they do on relational trust. They are more often concerned with “Do people follow-through on commitments and complete tasks?” As a result, they can often find ways to stay engaged and work with a person they do not “like” because they trust that person will get things done.

Leaders who see the world through a relational filter often place a higher priority on relational trust than they do on transactional trust. They are more often concerned with “Do people act in ways that build and protect relationships?” As a result, they can often stay engaged and work with someone who has challenges with meeting deadlines and completing tasks because they like that person.

For Them as The Team Member

Likewise, the trust team members feel for their leaders can depend on their own personal tendencies. Task focused team members often prioritize transactional trust between them and their leader higher than relational trust. Conversely, relational focused team members prioritize developing relational trust with their leader.

As a leader, understanding both how you and your team members prioritize the two sides of trust is important. You can then focus your trust building efforts in the area that will create the greatest immediate benefit.

To build trust with task focused team members, focus on task completion and follow-through issues first and relationship issues second. To build trust with relationally focused team members, focus on showing support and relationship building first and task completion second.

Both forms of trust are important. Building high levels of both will contribute to creating a high-performing, high-functioning, results-focused team. To get the greatest results in the shortest amount of time, you must first know your team members. Then you can focus first in the area of greatest concern to them.

What Does it Take to Thrive as a Leader in a Changing World?

Learn more about how to harness the power of flexibility with my next webinar – Navigating Uncertainty: Mastering Flexible Leadership in a Changing World. 

Guy is our team’s night owl and Kevin’s co-author. He’s thoughtful and deliberate. Guy is our stealth warrior, completing projects that move our team ahead. His speaking and consulting gigs keep him on the road regularly, and he is always happy to return to his family. Guy is a wise and insightful coach, warm and supportive. He’s definitely someone you want to know.

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