The make-up of teams is changing rapidly, and more and more teams have at least one remote worker in them. We call this type of team a hybrid team – where some team members work in the same location and other members work remotely.

And like any team dynamic, there are unique challenges to each. And one of the biggest questions we get about hybrid teams is:

How can we have more effective hybrid meetings? You know — where some of the people are around the conference phone, some are calling in, some are connected online?

It’s a less-than-ideal situation and in the video below, you’ll learn valuable tips to help your team work together more effectively in these meetings.

Do you have any funny stories about a hybrid meeting? We’d love to hear them!

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  1. For the first point: “Does everyone know who is in the meeting?” Do you recommend going through role? Or how do you recommend making this clear to everyone in the meeting?

    1. Hi Kelley!
      If it’s a small group, and you don’t know each other, giving people the chance for a quick introduction can reduce the stress of mistrust and help get people involved early.

      If you all know each other, that can be a quick “hello” and out. The important thing to know is whether any key stake holders are missing, or is there anyone knew or important in attendance (is their boss’ boss on the call? That might matter!). One way to get around that for webmeetings is to allow people to see the participant list. You might have to set the permissions to allow this, but I think it’s a good idea unless you’re dealing with huge crowds.

      Thanks so much for the question 🙂

  2. I have found hybrid meetings to be a way to maximize participation and promote accountability and progress in groups. I was recently working with a parent group on a oostly project. We went to hybrid meetings to ensure we got feedback and progress reports from those responsible for parts of the project.

    Initially the meeting was testy because those who were not onsite did not expect to have to account for their progress, but over time they learned that not being at the meeting physically did not absolve them of their responsibility.

    1. Hi Anthony, and thanks for the comment. You are correct – everyone in the meeting should have the same amount of accountability. You have to set that standard.

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