As I write this it is a Monday morning at the beginning of a new month. I suppose that is what got me thinking about this topic, but it is relevant any time.
If you want to exhibit, show or have leadership influence, the simplest and perhaps best way to do that is get off to a good start. Those that follow us are watching us and taking more cues from us than we realize – this is true at the supervisor level and in executive leadership.
Think about what you can do to get your day, week, month, or project off to a good start.
If you are passionate, excited and enthusiastic, great – then show it in your words and actions.
If you aren’t it is time to get your own mental check up to determine why not.
If you want enthusiastic, engaged and positive team members, remember that they are looking to you. If you want those qualities in them, look in the mirror.
Getting off on the right foot starts with you. Make this a part of your leadership style.
It will make a difference for you and your team.
It’s time to get started!