By Chip Bell

chip-bell-bookMy friend Chip Bell has studied and spoken on Customer Service for many years. He has consulted with large influential companies on this topic and written a number of great books on the subject too. Now, his latest book takes Service to a new, innovative level.

This book isn’t an academic treatise, and it isn’t even a how to book. This small short book outlines 10 (OK, 9 ½) Principles that will help you and those you lead provide better service. It is written by focusing the lesson of each principle on a story or example.

When one person on my team read the book, she told the rest of the team in an email how much she enjoyed it, and shared her copy. My copy has also been read by others on the team. The principles are:

  •  The Cracker Jack Principle
  • The “Big Boy” Event Principle
  • The Purpling Principle
  • The Speed Limit 23 MPH Principle
  • The Circus Principle
  • The Campfire Story Principle
  • The Fly-Fishing Principle
  • The Easy Button Principle
  • The Panning for Gold Principle
  • 1/2 The Fruit Salad Principle

The principles are timeless, the stories are inspiring, and the book is beautifully designed. If you are responsible for delivering or leading any type of Customer Service (including internal), you will enjoy this short, inspiring book.

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