One of the biggest problems remote leaders experience is keeping team members’ focus on the discussion at hand and away from going through email during meetings; yet, sometimes team members need to send essential information to other colleagues in order for overall team success during the meeting. Keeping employees engaged isn’t an impossible conundrum to solve, but how can we keep our team focused, fully engaged, and on task during virtual meetings instead of looking through emails, getting distracted, and eventually sucked into the evil realms of the never-ending chaos called email? Watch the video below for tips on how to successfully lead a virtual meeting that benefits every team member involved.

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Wayne Turmel has been writing about how to develop communication and leadership skills for almost 26 years. He has taught and consulted at Fortune 500 companies and startups around the world. For the last 18 years, he’s focused on the growing need to communicate effectively in remote and virtual environments.

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