Often times great ideas come from a combination of two existing items or ideas.
Such is the case with Audvisor.
Call it Pandora for the spoken word.
Imagine some of the top speakers and experts on topics like your career, leadership, personal development, relationship building, serving Customers, and many more, available on your phone or tablet whenever you want them.
If you have ever used Pandora or another streaming music service, you have the basic idea – now replace the music with bite-sized lessons from experts.
And what you get is Audvisor.
Pick a topic or pick an expert. Listen, learn and share if you want (you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, or in a text message).
If you are looking for a way to use your smartphone or tablet as a tool for quick moments of learning and inspiration, Audvisor is what you are looking for. As you can see from the image, I was fortunate enough to be asked to be a contributing expert. I have recorded a good number of audios, with more to come.
I expect this platform to grow, and as an app user, you will be the beneficiary – as the app is completely free.
You can learn more at the App Store (for Ios) or Google Play (for Android) – or follow the links below: