We all procrastinate . . . sometimes. And while some make it a way of life, you likely wish you procrastinated . . . less. Of all of the comments I’ve ever heard about this topic, today’s quotation is the most serious and stark – and perhaps it will jolt you to be a bit more productive today, and in the future.
Questions to Ponder
– How does this idea change my perception of procrastination?
– What will I get done today?
– What is the most important thing that I need to get done today? Click to tweet it!
Action Steps
1. Determine the most important thing you must do today.
2. Decide that you are going to do it.
3 . Don’t sleep until you have.
My Thoughts
I have an interesting set of feelings around the idea of procrastination. I know I do it. I do it more than I want to/wish I did. And yet many people tell me I get more done than anyone they know. Maybe it is because have a high bar and expectations for myself that I continue my internal struggle with procrastination.
Today’s quotation gives me a new perspective. It helps me remember two things – I can’t do it all everyday, so I must pick the most important things. It also prompts me to get done the nagging things. You know those items – the ones you move from your list day to day, week to week, and they weigh on your psyche. I don’t want to live with those kinds of thoughts, so I’m going to get one of those done each day too.