One of the challenges you will likely face as a new leader is managing the increased inbound communication efforts. And not just written communications like emails, texts, instant messages, and meeting or calendar requests. There are more verbal communications too. More people dropping in to talk or stopping you as you walk down the hall. Moving from individual contributor to leader significantly increases the number of inbound messages you receive. 

Also, you have likely heard that you need to make time to listen to your team members. Open and honest two-way communication makes people feel heard and understood, a key driver of employee engagement. You recall the workshop, blog post, or podcast episode where you first heard that. Only now you're the leader and it is your responsibility to make sure your team members feel heard and understood.

Combine the increasing inbound messages, more communications to manage, more people to engage with, and a heightened need to listen to your team. The conditions are there for the perfect storm of frustration and overwhelm. Frankly, it can feel like a no-win situation. 

How to Win the No-Win

This no-win scenario raises the question I’ve heard from many of our Bud to Boss workshop participants. Asked in different ways, the basic question is: “Do I have to listen when I don't have time?”

The short (and slightly harsh) answer is yes, you have to listen.

The qualifier is that you might not have to listen immediately.

It is a matter of timing. Imagine someone approaches you as you’re moving from one meeting to another. Or they spontaneously step into your office to talk. Perhaps they call or instant message you while you’re working on another project. You do not face a choice between listening or not listening. Your real choice is whether you listen now or later. It becomes a matter of clear communication and expectation management rather than a choice between listening or not listening.

In these moments of choice, focus on the main message you want to communicate to the other person. Explain that you are willing to listen to them when you have the time to focus on what they are saying. To make that choice wisely, first figure out if the issue is an emergency. If it must be addressed immediately, then obviously do so. If it’s an issue that can wait, that may be a better choice for everyone. Ask that they postpone it until you have the time to give them the attention they deserve. 

An Example

The specifics of how you make this determination calls for both relational and situational awareness. There is no single, one-size-fits-all approach for how you do it. If someone approaches you to tell you about a frustration they have while you are walking between meetings, try this:

“John, this sounds like a pretty important issue that I’d like to give my full attention. Right now, I’m headed into a meeting. Can we talk about this later today when I can focus on the issue better?”

Sometimes, they will tell you that it truly is an emergency that must be dealt with immediately. In most cases, they will agree to talk with you later. They may even say something like “Don’t worry about it. It’s not really that big of a deal.”  Either way, you have achieved both your communication and expectation management goals.

What Does it Take to Thrive as a Leader in a Changing World?

Learn more about how to harness the power of flexibility with my next webinar – Navigating Uncertainty: Mastering Flexible Leadership in a Changing World. 

Guy is our team’s night owl and Kevin’s co-author. He’s thoughtful and deliberate. Guy is our stealth warrior, completing projects that move our team ahead. His speaking and consulting gigs keep him on the road regularly, and he is always happy to return to his family. Guy is a wise and insightful coach, warm and supportive. He’s definitely someone you want to know.

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