There are lots of reasons to be more interested in the world around you, and I will share some below. But today’s quotation struck me as quite profound when I read it recently, which is why I’m sharing it with you. I hope you take the questions and action steps below to heart (and feet).
Questions to Ponder
– What am I interested in?
– Why?
– How do I put this interest into action?
Action Steps
1. Find a new interest or explore an existing interest today.
2. Allow yourself to be captivated and curious.
3. Give yourself permission to turn interest into learning, for the joy of doing it.
My Thoughts
Be interested. I’ve suggested in the action steps above to do that for the purpose of learning and growth, which is a fine reason. But being interested has many other positive effects. If you are interested, you are more engaged in the world around you. If you are interested, you are likely more observant and aware of opportunities. If your interest is focused on other people, you almost can’t help but build stronger relationships.
All of this is true, and each of these points could be reason enough write a full blog post. Yet, the power of Mrs. Roosevelt’s words go beyond all of that, by saying that once we are interested (for whatever purpose), new interests, new vistas, and new opportunities will make themselves clear.
My advice is to take hers. Be interested.