46 years ago today, one of the most famous speeches in American history was delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In it, he told 200,000 gathered on the Mall in Washington D.C. and the world that “I have a dream.”
Today I ask you, as a leader,
What’s Your Dream?
Before you start backtracking or shaking your head or feeling inadequate, read on.
You may not have a dream as expansive or global as Dr. King. Your dream may be smaller, local and less earth-shaking.
That is irrelevant.
Having a dream, whether we call it that or not, is at the heart of organizational leadership. You might call it objectives, goals, a mission or vision.
It doesn’t matter what you call it It matters alot if you have it.
As leaders we must be moving people or organizations towards a desired future, or we aren’t leading at all.
What’s Your Dream?
Dr. King’s speech is memorable for more than the dream or ideas themselves but also because of his leadership communication approach. His words were eloquent and well chosen; the speech well crafted. His message shared more than the dream, but also the benefits that would come from achieving the dream.
While there is much we can learn about leadership influence from the speech itself (you can read the text or watch the speech here), my lesson for you today is urge you whether you are in corporate leadership or lead your local neighborhood watch, is to clarify, define, crystallize and describe your dream to those you are leading.
What’s Your Dream?
Once the picture and the reasons why it matters become clear to people, you
are on the way to making the difference you were put on earth to make.
You will be leading.
(For a historical perspective, you may want to read the New York Times article, from that day, that you can’t see in the picture above, go here.)