This month, proactive leaders who are continually improving their leadership skills as members of the Remarkable Leadership Learning System are focused on Communicating with Confidence. Yesterday was the Guest Conversation for Silver members (and above) and it featured Kate Atkin, leadership and confidence expert, and author of The Confident Manager. (She also wrote a blog post about a lesson from the call too).
One of the tools she shared on the call – and is highlighted in the book, is called the Confidence Brick Wall.
The idea, in brief, is that you draw some blank bricks on a sheet of paper. In each “brick” you write something that you feel good about accomplishing in your life. These can be public or private “wins”, big or small. The goal is to put things and events in your bricks that allow you to begin to build a wall of confidence.
When you look at this wall it can serve as a reminder of your successes in the past, which bolster your confidence for day, and the future.
This exercise is a great one to do personally, to use when coaching someone with reduced confidence or to do with a team, to help them feel better about their ability to conquer future challenges.
The beauty and power of this confidence and leadership development activity is that it is simple and it will work.
Build your wall, then make it your goal to add more bricks to it each and every day.
To learn more about The Remarkable Leadership Learning System, you can go to the website, contact us directly, or accept our gift of a two-month free membership (and more!)
Great post,
I’ve been using a stair to step up on goals which has worked really good. But I must admit that the “brick” concept seems even better, i’ll sign in 😉