I don’t know where you stand on your view of AI. I don’t know if you are an innovator with these tools or are scared and worried. I see people across that spectrum everyday – and regardless of where you are, I am writing to all of you.
This isn’t an article an article about tools, details or technologies. There are (plenty) of newsletters, YouTube Channels and blogs that spend their time there.
This article is meant to lift your vision and give you a high-level perspective about these technologies. It is meant to lift your gaze away from the details and towards the big picture. Hopefully this view on AI will be helpful to you.
As I look at the AI landscape today, I see people dealing with three continuums; and where people stand on each of these continuums is impacting how they are feeling, what they are thinking, what they are doing, and ultimately how AI is impacting their daily work and their future.
The Speed Continuum

On one hand, it is easy to think that everything in every part of work is changing quickly with this AI stuff. If you are mentally at this end of the continuum, you might be working yourself into a frenzy or running on panic. (Which is rarely a good place to be).
On the other hand, you might be in a more relaxed place related to your view on AI. Maybe you think, things need to settle down before we do anything or stuff isn’t changing that much yet. Except stuff is changing – and being too comfortable is possibly keeping you from doing anything.
The truth is a view somewhere between the extremes is probably most helpful (how close to which end might depend on your industry or the specific kind of work you do).
Which view is most accurate and valuable to you and your team?
The Role Continuum

At the left end of this continuum are the people looking for AI tools to completely automate and replace the work of people. At the right end are those who see AI tools as a way to augment human work.
Leaning too far to the left can lead to incorrect or incomplete results. Leaning too far to the right leads us to overly limit how these tools might help us.
Living somewhere in the middle allows us to bring the best of the machine and merge it with what humans can uniquely bring to work.
Where are you acting on the role continuum?
The Worry Continuum

With any big change (which AI certainly qualifies as), there are emotions at play. Some people are so scared about the implications of AI to their work, society and even humanity, that they don’t want to take any action. At the other end of the continuum, people are so excited about the possibilities that they aren’t concerned with or considering any down sides.
As with the other two continuums, the healthiest view is somewhere between the extremes.
How do you feel about the AI revolution?
Your Overall View on AI
I hope that this higher-level view on AI helps you see your current perspective better. And I hope if you find yourself at the far end on any of these continuums, that you consider a subtle shift. And most of all, I hope this new view on AI urges you to learn, grow and move forward with these tools in a more intentional and effective way.
Note: These continuums that I have shared with you are examples of a new way of thinking about work – and leadership. I call these flexors, and I unpack 18 of these (not including those above) for leaders in my next book, Flexible Leadership: Navigate Uncertainty and Lead with Confidence. You can learn more and pre-order your copy here.