This is the fifth blog post of a series of guest posts from the ten bloggers nominated for Best Leadership Blog of 2009 (cast your vote here)
Seth Godin is referred to as “the Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age” by Business Week. On top of being a marketing expert, Seth is also a renowned speaker and author, with 10 highly successful books under his belt. Some of his most well-known books include The Dip, Meatball Sundae, Tribesand Purple Cow. Through all of his accomplishments in life, Seth has revolutionized the marketing industry.
Here is a blog post that Seth wrote about the importance of slowing down rather than accelerating, with some predictions for the future:
Sixty to Zero
by Seth Godin (April 20, 2009)
Read the rest of the post here.
Seth has been making predictions for a long time, and in this way he is an excellent role model for all of us as leaders. Thinking about the future, asking questions and making predictions are good leadership skills to develop. While these aren’t necessarily the skills that get taught in most leadership development programs, they are important skills.
As leaders we are responsible for moving people towards the future, so we, more than others must be thinking about it, asking questions about it, and even making predictions about it.
Vote for Seth or any of the other finalists here.