I wish I could claim the title of this post as my original thought, but I can’t. It belongs to Barbara Hemphill, speaker, author, and among other things, developer of the Taming the Paper Tiger series of products. I read this line a couple of days ago and it struck me (perhaps because I have too much clutter on my desks – at work and at home).
While I am working on that personal challenge, and that lesson could be purpose enough for a post, there is a deeper meaning to the post that is very important.
As leaders we are busy people. We have lots going on, competing priorities, mutliple balls in the air – in other words we have lots of mental clutter – regardless what our inboxes and desks look like!
Have you ever noticed that when you make a decision, your mind is clearer, if just for a minute? The “load” is lightened and you feel more productive and effective? While there are probably many reasons for this, this recognition is important.
I’m betting your mind looks a bit like my desk – cluttered. Not enough space to write and concentrate. Too many distractions, ideas and yes, decisions-unmade.
If you want to be a more effective leader today, be a more decisive one. Clean up your mental clutter by making some decisions. I don’t need to list them, you know what they are. They might be work related, project related, personnel related, or personal.
Work through some of them today – decide and declutter.
Once you declutter your mind, you will create space for thinking, creation, and progress towards the goals you have for yourself and your team.
Good afternoon!
Something in your writing here made me stop [reading] (in my tracks) and write a few things necessary for me to organize my thoughts and prepare a winning cover letter, thank you~
In the midst of all the year-end and New Year articles that we’ve been inundated with, THIS one is in a league of its own. I read it with a bit of embarrassment yet a lot of gratefulness for having had the truth spoken into my life. I have a desk that needs some attention before it gets too cluttered; I was letting the decisions freeze me without recognizing that was why I wasn’t attacking it. Thanks, Kevin! ….Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some decisions to make and a stack or two needing attention!