This week’s Resource Recommendation – Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation By Sally Hogshead
We buy products because we are fascinated in some way. We enter professions, pick jobs and choose friends (and mates) because of fascination. We pick movies, television shows and books because of . . . fascination.
This book arrived in my mail courtesy of the author. When I met Sally more than a year ago she was working on this book. We talked about it. I was fascinated. When I picked up the book, I knew Sally hit a home run.
The book is divided into three parts:
Fascinate or Fail – a discussion of what fascination is, why it is important and more.
The Seven Fascination Triggers – a chapter on each
The Fascination Plan of Attack – a way to use the knowledge in this book to consciously and strategically build greater fascination.
It’s a logical sequence, and, personally, I am so glad the last section is there. The first sections are so full of ideas, I needed help sorting it all out and deciding how to apply everything I learned. The third section is like having a consultant at your side, helping you apply what you have learned.
As I read this book, I knew I would be recommending it to you, so I tried to categorize it in some way. It reminds me of some of the recent business blockbusters like Made to Stick, Freakonomics or any of Malcolm Gladwell’s books in that it is filled with a wide variety of examples that make it more interesting and relevant.
And while it is like those in that way, it is uniquely its own. Sally brings an expressive writing style and her personality to the book that is, well, fascinating!
Sally comes from a marketing background, and this book is listed on Amazon as a marketing book. Clearly if you have a professional or passing interest in marketing you will want to read this book. The value, however, extends far beyond that point.
If you want to be more persuasive or influential in any sense, this book gives you clues and specific tools to help you diagnose your ability to fascinate now, and how to raise that level in the future.
I recommend this book very highly. While it is only February, I am sure this will be one of my five favorite reads of the year. If you are on Facebook, you can join the book’s page.
Would you like a copy? Let me see if I can help. Just write a comment below about why you want or need this book (or even better why you are fascinated by it) – and how you plan to use it. The best submission in the judgment of my team by February 9th at 5 pm ET will get the book, and perhaps it will even be a signed copy.
What are you waiting for?
I’m fascinated by the art of fascinating our customers. Customers always return when they are fascinated or “wow-ed” by the level of service, understanding or compassion shown. By customers, I mean literally everyone we come into contact with. We are all in the business of sales- selling our ideas, our skills, our opinions, etc. Any idea, book or technology that can give us a heads up on this, I am thrilled to know about. Especially if it doesn’t take away the human , face to face element. Kevin, I’d appreciate a copy, if you don’t mind.. 🙂
There is nothing more powerful as the “Power of Persuasion” My personal passion is to help others do something better. I am fascinated by the number of opportunities each of us has to bring another person into our sphere of influence via whatever technique.
My vocation is as a buyer in Contract Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. I get many opportunities to persuade new clients to use raw materials (powders, etc) that we have in stock for their project (same item, but maybe a different brand name) versus having us go to a new supplier and initate a new part number, enter a lot of data in our purchasing and planning system, etc. You get the picture; we want to serve the client and keep their costs lower and their timelines to market shorter. Sometimes my power of persuasion works well and othertimes, it does not. When it works, we all win.
My avocation is in the wonderful world of canines; I teach a lot of dog obedience classes, breed dogs and counsel folks on “how to do” lots of dog-related things. When I have actual, factual knowledge to help others avoid the mistakes I have made in new puppy training or advising others as to what kind of dog food to feed, or whatever…I need to bring the BIG persuasive guns out – and even with the use of humor and my charming personality, I fail more than I should in persuading others to even consider my input. I probably need to facinate more than persuade.
I need your help and need this book. There are so many areas in which I can apply the learning I perceive the book holds. I will use the learnings I glean from the book in every aspect of my life since I am continually around others and have an influential responsibility.
Give me an F for fascination with free things. Give me an A for a great acquisiton for our company Learning & Devlopment Library. Give me an S for the Spark of inspiration this book will ignite. Give me a C for Curiosity about the 7 triggers. Give me an I for Interest in reading. Give me an N for Nurturing that interest in others by promoting the book for circulation after I read it. Give me an A for Answering your challenge in an attention getting way. Give me a T for triumphant if I win. Give me an E for Engagement, another way to say Fascination!
Gee that was a fun way to start a Monday morning at work!
Fascinate: What a word! The title alone fascinated and captivated me.
I am very passionate about my job…but when I try to convey that, I find that the people Im speaking to…my board of supervisors, my staff, and worst yet, our funders…are not fascinated.
Why is that?
I just told my husband yesterday that I need to observe the conversations around me more closely, for clues why some people are fascinated by what others say and feel. I want that! And I’m fascinated enough by the title alone to think that the book could help also.
I am fasinated by what motivates people or should I say what fasinates people. I belive at its core, what fasicinates will motivate them. Motivation is not all about carrots and sticks, I thinks it comes down to fulfillment of purpose. This book I would guesstimate, not knowing it contents, would get to the core of fasination and could be used to help others come to a greater understanding of what really fasinates them. They can face their fears and move toward their goals with “chils-like” fascination.
soy argentino, he leido comentarios sobre el libro y es fascinante !!! Me encantaria pudiera enviarme un ejemplar del mismo (ideal en español, mi ingles es malo)..y muy bueno su blog !!! Saludos. Mike