Some weeks in my mostly-regular Friday Inspiration post I give you something speciifc to think about, or links to something inspirational.
Today is different.
Today I urge you to look inside yourself.
Think about something that inspires you.
A song. A quotation. An Accomplishment. A poem. A picture. A place. A person.
Once you have thought of something. Be refreshed by it now.
Listen to the song.
Read the quotation.
Review the accomplishment.
Read the poem.
Look at the picture.
Reflect on the place.
Call (or think about) the person.
Make this one of your leadership activities for the day – in fact, do the thing now!
This action will inspire you all over again – and as leaders we need constant inspiration to bolster our leadership influence, strengthen our leadership communication and generally build our leadership skills.
I can urge you, but you must do it, and you can do it anytime.
If you want an ongoing reminder, print out this post and put it where you can see it everyday.