Imagine that you are responsible for keeping a flow of product in the pipeline in this picture. In the distance you see the facility that the product is flowing to – and the whole facility shuts down if a constant flow of product from your pipeline isn’t maintained.
If this were your task you would be worried both about the integrity of the pipeline and the quality and flow of product inside, wouldn’t you?
If you are a leader in any organization, you have a similar responsibility.
It may not be as physically tangible, and it may not seem as urgent. But it is at least as important, but far too often overlooked.
Think of your pipeline as delivering high quality future leaders to your organization. This is a strategic leadership role and is what organizational leadership development is all about – having a process to develop the leaders the organization needs.
If you were managing the pipeline in the picture you certainly wouldn’t leave it to chance that product would make it to the plant gate. Rather, you would:
- design the pipeline to the appropriate size to take care of normal needs and allow for additional unexpected product needs.
- maintain the pipeline so that product will safely and reliably flow
- continue to think about ways to make the pipeline more effective and efficient in delivering product.
Again, as leaders we have a responsibility to developing and maintaining the leadership development pipeline within our organizations.
Do you have a pipeline?
Is your current pipeline in need of repair?
Would you like to take your pipeline to even higher levels of performance?
All of these are excellent questions for HR Directors, Organizational Development professionals, Training professionals to ask. But they are just as important for Corporate leadership, middle managers and you to ask.
And since you are asking, we want to help you with the answers. Email me today if we can help!
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