Ever started a new activity and when you started everything seemed… well … so fast? It almost doesn’t matter what the activity is, when it is new, it is going too fast for us to feel comfortable with it. Need some examples?
– a new sport
– driving a car
– juggling
– playing a musical instrument
– playing a video game (a fact confirmed by my kids)
– leading a meeting
– facilitating dialogue
– giving a presentation
I could go on . . . but we both have other things to do today.
In all of these areas, as we do them more, we get better at them, more comfortable with them and the pace of the experience seems to slow down – dramatically. And most importantly once things begin to slow down our skill and results go up.
While this is a situation we all recognize, we don’t take it to the next step.
When things slow down for us within an experience, we can be more effective, AND once we reach that point we can then improve even further – but only if we do the right things once we arrive there.
Want to know the key to speeding up the slowing down process (i.e. getting to the initial skill and comfort level quicker)?
Finding, selecting, using and valuing executive leadership coaching.
Want to speed up the process of getting even better once you’ve reached that initial point?
Find, select, use and value executive leadership coaching.
This advice goes beyond what we normally think of as coaching and mentoring. Can we get advice, counsel and coaching from those within our organization? Of course we can, and it will be valuable.
But if you want real speed and depth in improvement and effectiveness as a leader, you must find external coaching from someone skilled in executive coaching.
What if you aren’t an executive yet?
External leadership coaching is just as critical to your success.
Here is the bottom line. If you would like to speed up your progress, you must employ coaching and other continual learning approaches.
To get a sample of some of our long term continual learning tools, check out the sample highlighted in the right hand column.
If you would like to learn more about our coaching offerings, contact us directly via the web, email or calling 317-387-1424 x2 and talking to Jenny.