I was on a phone call yesterday with a potential Client talking about some training for some of their staff. The phrase that they used to talk about what they were looking for was proactive engagement.
While this training isn’t “leadership training” nor is it considered as a part of their corporate leadership training program, we were talking about leadership skills (at least from my perspective).
Think about it – as a leader we want people to actively participate. We want them to care about their work and the goals of the organization. We want them involved. We want them to engage.
While there is no single silver bullet to produce these outcomes, we know that they won’t happen without us as leaders doing something – hence we must be proactive. And if we want the engagement of others, our best first step will be to look in the mirror and be engaged ourselves.
Proactive Engagement.
Consider it your leadership activity of the day – to determine how you can be more proactive and more engaged.
Feel free to share your ideas and outcomes in the comments below.