I struggled with the title for this post, not because being authentic isn’t important, but because it is so important, that I almost didn’t want to imply through that choice that “The Inauthentic Leader” is a viable option.
It isn’t.
Who we are as a leader speaks volumes as to our ability to lead.
Of course leadership development activities are important, because skills do matter, of course.
But so do our values, beliefs and intentions.
The bottom line is that people want to follow people who are real.
A friend of mine, bestselling author Mike Robbins has just written a book on authenticity, called Be Yourself: Everyone Else is Already Taken.
You can read my full review of the book here, and you can learn much more about the book, and an amazing offer for buyers, (if you buy soon) when you go here.
Make reflection on your authenticity and what keeps you from being more authentic one of your leadership activities today.