I just wrapped up my conversation with Gary Ryan Blair (the GoalsGuy) – a conversation that is a part of Silver Membership in the Remarkable Leadership Learning System. This month our members are working onn how to help those they lead focus on goals more effectively.
During this call Gary discussed a number of importance concepts for us individually and as leaders. One of the critical things he mentioned almost as an aside at the end of the call. He said, “remember that massive causes yield massive effects.”
Cause and effect.
We all know this is true, though we don’t always ke the level of accountability for this knowledge that we could (should). Everything that we do – each decision, choice and resulting behavior is a cause that creates an effect in our lives.
If we want different results in our lives, we must change the causes. If we want massive effects, we must create massive causes.
If we as leaders want more than incremental change in performance and results, we must create significant change in the causes – starting wth massive changes in our actions.
There is your leadership thought for the day – cause leads to effect. Massive cause yields massive effect.
It is time to act massive!