If you have been a leader for more than a week, you’ve asked yourself questions like . . .
“Why won’t they __________?”
“Why did they do it THAT way?
“What are they thinking?
“Can’t they just _____________?”
In every case, you would like them to change their behavior.
I know this all to be true because, remember, I work with leaders nearly every day, and have led others for many years. That is why I created this webinar – to help us as leaders recognize the ways we can influence the behaviors of others.
Did you catch the key word in the last sentence? (Hint: it is influence.) This webinar wouldn’t be necessary if could just make people do things – but we know we can’t – at least not without creating unintended consequences, and likely making things worse, rather than better.
In this webinar, we will talk far beyond carrots and sticks, and even how money can influence behavior – we are going to talk about more valuable tools to help create long-term results. While you can get all details here, I’ll just say I’m excited to share some ideas with you that any leader can apply – regardless of position or budget – to help create better results with and through their team.
And do it with less stress and frustration.
Like most of our webinars, this is 60 minutes – packed with tools, tips and ideas – plus the chance for you to ask me your specific questions, or have me clarify a point, or help you clarify its use in your situation.
Join me at 1:30 pm ET on Monday February 27. All the details and registration information can be found here.