From Green Eggs and Ham to the Cat in the Hat, I, like many kids, grew up with Dr. Seuss. But I can’t say I really became a fan until I was an adult — reading those classics and others to my children (Horton Hatches an Egg is a favorite.) If you’re a fan too, you might enjoy this very cool video reading of Horton Hatches an Egg).
As an adult, I also read a biography of Theodor Seuss Geisel that I found fascinating and fun.
Since then, I’ve taken his rhymes more seriously, and I share one of those today.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
– Dr. Seuss in The Lorax
Questions to Ponder
- What do I care about?
- Why do I care?
- What am I doing about it?
Action Steps
- Decide what you care about.
- Take action to make it better.
- Otherwise, stop complaining.
My Thoughts
My thoughts are simple. If it matters to you — if you care about something, figure out what you can do to make it better.
Even if you don’t know if it will work.
Even if it only makes a small dent.
Do. Something. Now.
Nothing will change until someone changes by taking action.
You can wait for others to act, but it may be a long wait, and you can’t rightfully complain while you wait.
Winners act.
Whiners wait.
I do like Dr.Seuss rhymes as well – thank you for sharing this article, short and to the point.
Do I Care ? Of course. Ha. Love this Kevin. When your company is “The CARE Movement” it is a good idea to Care. CARE is an acronym for Communicate, Appreciate, Respect, Encourage. We help improve morale and attitudes in the workplace and at home.
Thanks for this short but powerful post on caring and making a difference. Love it.