Do you have one now?
I’m guessing you had one as a kid, and at some level I am hoping you have one (or more) now. I’m not talking heroes in the sense of “worshiping the ground they walk on” – but heroes in the sense of people you look up to because of characteristics, traits, or skills that you wish you had a bit more of.
A healthy appreciation of the skills of others is a great source of learning, as today’s quotation so elegantly reminds us.
“Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” – Voltaire
Questions to Ponder
– Who do I look up to?
– What did/do I appreciate about them?
– What can I learn from them to help me reach my goals?
Action Steps
1. Spend time identifying the traits you appreciate about one of your “heroes.”
2. Determine why having more of that trait or skill would benefit you.
3. Observe them carefully to learn how to apply the trait or skill.
4. Practice!
5. If possible, talk to them directly about it, ask for coaching and say thank you.
My Thoughts
One of the most powerful ways we can learn is through observing and learning others. There are risks associated with the worshiping part, and challenges when we get defeated or deflated because we feel like “I can never be as good as they are.” I call this the comparison trap and I have written about it before.
As long as we avoid the trap, there is much power in observing and learning from others. The five simple steps above, applied consistently will help you grow in any area of your life – and faster than you might imagine. The steps don’t just have to be used with a hero, but with anyone whom you appreciate in any particular area of life. The goal isn’t to be perfect (they aren’t, anyway) and the goal isn’t to become a mini version of your hero. Rather, the goal is to uncover your best self by learning from the example of others.