This week, the world lost a legend; a one-of-a-kind salesman, author and speaker died. Zig Ziglar was all of these things and he was also one of my mentors and heroes. I read his books, listened to his speeches over and over, and attended his week-end workshop with my wife. Zig is one of the reasons I do what I do today.
So today’s quotation, is one of his best and, arguably, his most famous.
“You can get anything in life that you want if you help enough other people get what they want.”
– Zig Ziglar, speaker, author and salesman
Questions to Ponder
Do you know what those around you want in and from life?
If not, why not?
What can you do to help them get what they want?
Action Steps
1. Focus on others and their wants and needs.
2. Truly understand those needs and work to help them be met.
3. Then do it some more.
My Thoughts
This idea of reciprocation is one of the most wonderful things about the way life on Earth works. Zig’s quotation starts about being about us (what we want), but it only works when we make our efforts truly about others. How do we know what they want, how do we serve them, support them, and help them? Those questions are the starting point of greater life success and satisfaction.
A cynic would say this is self serving – I’m only scratching your back so you will scratch mine. But this isn’t the message of this idea, and won’t even work in the long term. The real point is a paradox. We do things to help from a place of genuine care and hope, and we do it knowing good things can come to us, but only as an outcome, not as the point of the effort in the first place.
If you want to read a further tribute I wrote to Zig on the publishing of his final book a few months ago, you can find it here.
if that were only true
makes me sad to learn of Mr. Ziglar’s passing
David – it is the best way to achieve what we want, but helping others move in the direction of what they want.
Kevin 🙂
Well selected Zig’s Quote, Kevin.
Zig was also my early mentor and a master at motivation.
In a huge part he made me pursue my carreer as well:
DDS, MD, ND (hon), PhD (3X)
May the Angels in Heaven enjoy his enormous GRAND personality.
For one, I miss him tremendously.
Zig was without peer. Many years ago when I was struggling in a difficult sales environment, his constant enthusiasm for life, fellowship and success helped me greatly in getting on track to perform at the level needed. While he will certainly be missed, his legacy will stand the test of time. I, for one, appreciate what he did for all of us in setting standard for giving to others and, in so doing, multiplied his service to humanity exponentially. Thanks Zig.
The first time I saw Zig live was 30+ years ago in high school. I can honestly say he helped to shape my worldview and the way I treat people. He is one of a few whose life work will continue to have impact long after he’s gone.