We’ve all heard, and said. that “perception is reality”. This profound truth, while believed, is sometimes hard to remember or put into practice. This fact also makes interpersonal communication and interaction far more complex than we wish it were. Let me take this idea one step further.
People tend to operate and behave in the world, based on what they believe to be true. In other words, people behave, and communicate, and react, and choose (among other things) based on how they see the world (i.e. their perceptions).
So, if we want to communicate successfully, influence, or lead them, we must operate based on their perceptions. To change their behavior, thoughts and actions, we must understand and then change their perceptions.
Let me make it more personal.
Our perceptions are reality. To change our actions we must change our perceptions.
And one more time, from a leadership perspective.
To change the actions of others, start with their perceptions, which form their reality.
Yes that based on OUR perception. Agreed to check on how we to see the world.
Marisi Tambunan