My mind is filled with thoughts of coaching these days. Perhaps it is because in about 2 hours 100 minutes we will be kicking off our Coach and Be Coached event on
One of the things I hear from leaders is that they “don’t have time” to coach. In most cases it isn’t that they don’t want to coach, or develop others, it’s just that they “don’t have time.”
To them, (and you if you are nodding your head in agreement) I say . . . Bull . . .
I know you are busy. (So is every other leader on the planet).
You don’t have a time problem. You have a priority problem.
I know that there are days when we all have pressing matters on our plates, and our priorities might not include helping others grow. I get that. Today is one of those days for me.
But if we play the “I’m too busy” card all the time, what we are saying is, “coaching isn’t really important enough to spend my time on.” (Here’s a post about the fallacy of busy).
And I hope, if you are reading this post, that isn’t really true for you. Which means our first coaching challenge is to put our actions in alignment with our beliefs.
If we want to grow our results. . .
If we want to grow our team . . .
If we want fewer fires in the future (because others are avoiding them – or are able to manage them themselves) . . .
If we want the satisfaction of helping others succeed . . .
Then we must invest time to coach.
If you are reading this on March 16, I hope you make time to join us between 11 am and 3 pm Et for our Coach and Be Coached event. You will gain more insights into coaching than you thought possible in a short time.