I’ve featured William James, the father of American Psychology here before (most recent, further back). Today, another powerful thought from him.
I think after you read it, reflect and the questions and take the actions I suggest, you will be glad I did.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”
Questions to Ponder
Do I agree with this quotation?
What can I do today that will make a big difference?
What little things will I do today that could make a bigger difference than I realize?
Action Steps
Be more intentional today.
When you speak, respond and react, realize it will all matter – whether to you, or those around you.
Determine at least one specific thing you could do that you know would make a positive difference for others.
My Thoughts
I often tell leaders that people are watching them more than they realize. In small and big ways your responses, attitude, word choice, decisions and demeanor make a difference. The fact is, as a leader everything you do does matter.
James wasn’t speaking just to leaders though; he was speaking to all of us all of the time. Everything we do impacts others, or ourselves (including our beliefs and attitudes).
It could seem overwhelming to consider that everything we do matters – don’t let this idea immobilize you – wondering what you should do. Rather, view it as an opportunity to see how every moment brings you a new chance to make a difference.
What you does makes a difference.
Be proactive – make the difference you desire.
Great thought Kevin. Probably each one of us knows that even our smallest actions have an impact on all those around us but we somehow don’t acknowledge that. Yes, the feeling is quite overwhelming. But let’s look at it as an opportunity to deliberately perform activities that bring about positive changes into lives of people affected by it; including ourselves.