Twitter, if you don’t know, is a micro-blogging or instant updating social media tool, that is growing at expontential rates (even before Oprah joined the party). I’ve been on Twitter user for over a year and now have over 4100 followers, which probably puts me in the top couple percent of all users.
But it certainly doesn’t make me an expert.
I’ve been thinking about the intersection between leadership and Twitter and wondering how leaders could use it successfully – making the time spent with this tool valuable.
As people there may be many uses, I wanted to isolate my thinking to how leaders could use Twitter in their leadership role.
So I did the logical thing.
I asked other Twitter users (my followers) what they thought.
Yesterday I asked (tweeted) the following:
How can leaders best use Twitter? interested in your thoughts… thanks in advance!
What follows are a list of answers to the question – some directly from responses, some combined, and some of my own.
1. Share thoughts
2. Share reflections
3. Share an inspirational quotation
4. Share a lesson
5. Help people focus on their goals
6. Ask a great reflective question
7. Help build community
8. Stay connected with your team
9. Ask for and receive feedback
10. Watch competition and be aware of environment
11. Practice concise thinking and communication
12. Stimulate creativity – by trying new things
All of the things on this list are the stuff of great leadership! Perhaps the biggest aha from this list for me comes not the items themselves; but that throught these suggestions, Twitter can become a leadership development tool, or a part of a leadership development program.
Am I saying that using Twitter is an important leadership skill? No. What I am saying is that Twitter, used strategically and effectively, could become a helpful leadership tool AND a medium for corporate leadership development efforts.
The title of this post is a bit presumtious. I know I haven’t captured all of the ways and I know that those of you reading may have much better idas. Please share them as comments! As I continue to experiment and ask this question, I’ll post more ideas.
Thanks to all of those who contributed; including:
And lastly if you are on Twitter, or decide to join whether for curiosity or as an innovative leadership skill training tool, please follow me and I’ll return the follow!