I don’t know David Armano, but I follow him on Twitter.
Does me following him make us friends?
But there are quite a few people (like David) I’ve ‘met’ on Twitter that I spend more time with than my ‘real’ friends.
I seek their advice. I listen to what they say. I trust their opinion. I share their ideas with others.
They’ve in essence become part of my strategic leadership team – or at the very least people I take cues from for leadership communication strategies.
Based on that, if these Twitter people aren’t my friends, what are they?
David’s personal blog has a great post today called Friendship Is Dead. Long Live Friends.
It’s a great look at this business of social networking and friendships.
I spend more time than I care to admit participating in conversations on Twitter and Facebook – for both professional and personal reasons. I’ve connected with old friends, built deeper relationships with current friends and found many new connections (I don’t know that I would call them friends yet).
As a leadership communications person I think it’s important that I have a working understanding of these platforms and have an opinion on them as they relate to our organization’s communications strategy.
As someone interested in leadership and/or communications – you should care too.
Why you should care…
I share David’s great post and these ideas for three reasons:
- I think we all need to consider our ‘social circles’ (see David’s post) and evaluate where our personal and professional connections meet, overlap and possibly need to stay separate.
- It’s important to have a solid mix of social media in any communication strategy. As part of your leadership training, if you don’t understand twitter – find someone who does. If you don’t have an executive blog – figure out if that’s a good strategy for your brand and get writing.
- The ‘conversations’ we have online are recorded – basically forever. Are you (am I) building the relationships with the people you want to be connected with – forever? I’m continuing to grapple with that idea and can only hope that I’m surrounding myself with the ‘right’ friends!
I know my online ‘friends’ are adding value to my daily life. And I certainly hope I’m doing the same for them.
Would love to know what you think about this!