As has been reported widely in the past couple of days, President Obama has been in office for 100 days. If he is in office for one term (all that can be guaranteed at this time), his total time in office (depending on how you count the two Inauguration Days) will be 1460 days.
In other words, President Obama has already completed 6.5% of his term.
This fact got me thinking about how little time we spend analyzing our leadership performance after the first 6.5% of a task or a year (that would be January 24th for a calendar year).
Or how much coaching and mentoring time we would spend with our team members just 6.5% of the way into a project.
I’m guessing typically not very much.
I know that from a media perspective it is about 100 days, and not 6.5%, so if you don’t feel my questions are helpful, consider these instead.
What are your expectations of yourself 100 days into a new job?
What are your expectations of others after they have been at it for 100 days?
My point isn’t about percentages or numbers of days as much as it is to encourage you to reflect on your expectations of performance earlier in the process than you might otherwise do.
If you believe, as I do, that people will typically live up to their expectations, then ask yourself if you have set your expectations correctly for the early part of people’s tenure.
Ask yourself if your leadership communication reflects your expectations and if you are providing the support and development that people need to be successful as quickly as possible.
Of course expectations alone aren’t the answer, we must provide people with the tools, skills, knowledge and support they need, but they also need clear expectations too.
This post is about asking you questions more than providing you answers. I hope that you make one of your next leadership development activities to ask yourself these questions, and take the actions that will lead you further down your path towards Remarkable Leadership.
When you do, you will benefit, your organization will grow and your team members will be forever grateful.