If you've ever spent countless hours perfecting an email or triple-checking a piece of work, you've likely fallen into the productivity trap of perfectionism. We all have, to some degree. Some wear the badge of "perfectionist" with pride, while others see it as a challenge.

Why Do We Strive for Perfection?

  1. Fear of Criticism: The apprehension that a tiny mistake or imperfection will lead to criticism is a driving force behind perfectionism. Yet, experience shows that even when criticized, the aftermath isn't as traumatic as the anticipatory fear.
  2. Defining Success: If you've linked flawlessness to success, maybe it's time to reevaluate. Is a flawless outcome the only measure of success?
  3. Avoiding Completion: Continually polishing a task can sometimes be a way of avoiding completion. If we keep tweaking, we're in our comfort zone, safely away from possible criticism or the unknown.

The 80/20 Rule

You've likely heard of the 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle. This principle can be applied to almost any area in life, including the battle between productivity and perfection. The first 20% of the work often yields 80% of the results. So, ponder this: is striving for perfection, which could require an extra 80% effort, really worth it? Or, can you achieve a "good enough" result with less effort and time?

Changing a deeply ingrained habit of perfectionism won't happen overnight. Still, by frequently asking yourself what 20% effort will lead to 80% of the desired outcome, you can slowly shift your mindset.

To truly break free from the shackles of perfectionism, pose this question: "What is the 20% of effort that will get me the 80% result that will meet my needs?" This question will help you make an informed choice about how close you need to get to perfection while balancing productivity.

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"To fight perfectionism, ask yourself this: What is the 20% of effort that will get me the 80% result that will meet my needs?" - @KevinEikenberry

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Kevin Eikenberry is a recognized world expert on leadership development and learning and is the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group. He has spent over 30 years helping organizations across North America, and leaders from around the world, on leadership, learning, teams and teamwork, communication and more.

Twice he has been named by Inc.com as one of the Top 100 Leadership and Management Experts in the World and 100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference. The American Management Association named him a “Leaders to Watch” and he has been twice named as one of the World's Top 30 Leadership Professionals by Global Gurus. Top Sales World has named him a Top Sales & Marketing Influencer several times, and his blog has been named on many “best of” lists. LeadersHum has named him one of the 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership in 2023.

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