This week’s Resource Recommendations are The Hamster Revolution by Mike Song, Vicki Halsey, and Tim Burress and The Myth of Multi-Tasking by Dave Crenshaw.
When working with leaders all over the world, I get asked regularly about productivity and time management issues. Two books, published in 2008, have been among my recommendations in these areas. After reading each, I recommended them online. Since then I’ve mentioned and recommended both of these books to many people in workshops and conversations. Today I present them both to you as a reminder for some and for most an introduction.
Both books are similar in length and style, following the familiar business parable format (one featuring hamsters and the other people). Both books make a compelling case, and provide specific examples and techniques — better than is sometimes the case in this format. I’ll introduce each to you and link you to my original recommendation as well.
The Hamster Revolution by Mike Song, Vicki Halsey and Tim Burress helps you deal with email in new and effective ways. It outlines approaches that will work in the real world, regardless of what email software or system you use. Here’s my original review.
I don’t remember who recommended The Myth of Multitasking by Dave Crenshaw to me, but I love it! The concept of switchtasking – and the cost in time and productivity made at each switch is a powerful one. When you click on the Amazon link, you can see a short video where the author describes this core principle from the book. Here’s my original review.