If you have kids or if you were ever a kid (and I’m guessing you can answer at least one of these affirmatively??), you have asked or been asked this question before:
What did you learn today?
And while this is a very valid question, as you’ll notice in the title of this blog post, it’s not the question I am talking about in the video.
Instead of a REVIEW question, I am talking about a PREVIEW question. Check it out in the video below.
Tweet it out: One way to assure you learn something is to decide that you will. @KevinEikenberry
From This Episode:
This is very new to me. After reading a little I still do not understand what you do. Do you do commercials for companies? I’ve always wanted to write commercials for companies! ( at 77 years old tomorrow!) Imagine that! How will I hear from you or not at all? Thanks!
This will be a challenge for me since I am mostly a recluse.