Effective coaching is a big topic.

Here are just a few examples where being a more effective coach can make a difference: at work, for your children’s sports teams, for a friend and in your community. As with anything as important and as pervasive as this topic, there are lots of resources available to you. You can search the internet, buy a book or take a course. There also are coaching certification programs and many other ways to learn the skills of being an effective coach.

It would be presumptuous of me to assume I could cover every topic and explain all the complexities of coaching in one brief article. Rather, my goal is to take you to the starting point of successful coaching.

Just like the alphabet is the building block of all reading and language, I want to share with you the ABC’s of coaching success. These concepts alone can help you be a better coach. And as you understand and master these three specific concepts, all of the other knowledge and skills you add to these building blocks will be more successful as well.

A – Accountability

As a coach you want those you are coaching to be successful. Great coaches care and think about their team’s performances and skills often. And yet, the best coaches know that in the end those performances don’t belong to them, but to the performers themselves.

This may seem like a delicate tightrope, and it can be in one way. As a coach you may feel responsible if someone doesn’t perform well. You may think about what else you could have taught them, another way to have inspired them or any number of other things.

While it is important to think about what else you could have done, in the end, great coaches know the final accountability for performance lies only with the performer.

Farmers and ranchers put fences up primarily to keep their animals where they want them. The fence defines the boundary of where it is OK for the animals to live and graze. Fences serve several practical purposes – as I said, they keep animals where they want them and, as important, out of where they don’t want them. They keep the animals safe and help maintain the herd (with no fences farmers might have trouble keeping track of these animals!).

While we aren’t animals, managers and leaders have always created fences (or boundaries) for employees as well. They are set up for much the same reasons: to provide safety and exert control, as well as to define where people can’t go. Fences or boundaries can be helpful, but when set unclearly or too narrowly, they can cause significant problems. After all, we aren’t sheep or cattle!

Here are five things to consider when placing your fence posts or setting the boundaries for your team and organization.

Define the fence line. People need to know what and where the boundaries are. Since leaders aren’t always clear when setting them, or are they aren’t visible like a real fence, much energy is lost when people make assumptions about those boundaries. When you aren’t sure if you can make that decision or adjust that process or call the Customer or any number of things, your energy is sapped and your motivation affected. As the leader when you clearly define what behaviors and decisions are inside the fence and which ones aren’t, you make life and decision making much easier for your employees.

Expand the boundaries. More often than not, in the name of control, leaders set the boundaries unnecessarily narrow. Ask yourself what would happen if you gave people a bit more freedom to make decisions and cover some additional territory. While there might be errors (once or twice), there might also be new ideas, approaches, energy and ownership. All farmers still have fences, and you definitely need some boundaries. The question is: are your boundaries as broad as they could be?

Clarify the goals. When you help people understand the goals and purpose for the organization or their team you are taking an important step towards empowering them. With a clear goal they are better able to work within the boundaries to achieve better results.

Trust people more. When you trust people more – assuming the best in their intentions and potential – you will be more willing to expand the boundaries. We all need boundaries, but if trust is heightened, results will improve and those expanded fence lines will stay intact.

Give more responsibility. When you grant more trust and couple it with greater responsibility and accountability, you accelerate people’s passion, interest and ownership in their work. It is important to give people more responsibility as they develop the skills and experience to manage it effectively, but most leaders are too tentative in expanding responsibility. Do it intelligently, but consider doing it sooner rather than later.

As you have read these points you may be thinking that not everyone on my team is ready for a bigger field and more responsibility. Effective coaching and leadership requires that we provide people the support they need to be successful – no matter the size of their field, consider these points as general guidelines.

As you clarify the boundaries, expand trust and responsibility you are empowering people in ways that perhaps you haven’t before. That heightened empowerment will often lead to people standing by the fence, looking for more opportunities and challenges.

Remember, most people are thinking “don’t fence me in.” When you move the fences outward, expanding the boundaries, you will find greater productivity, passion and results on the other side.

Make the fences clear, but be willing to expand them. You won’t regret it and your team will thrive.

Potential Pointer: Fences and boundaries are needed, but set unclearly or incorrectly, they can inadvertently stifle productivity and creativity rather than the support and help they were designed to provide. Take a look at the fences you’ve put up in your business and determine if they are supporting – or hindering – the results you are aspiring to.



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Kevin Eikenberry is a recognized world expert on leadership development and learning and is the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group. He has spent over 30 years helping organizations across North America, and leaders from around the world, on leadership, learning, teams and teamwork, communication and more.

Twice he has been named by Inc.com as one of the Top 100 Leadership and Management Experts in the World and 100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference. The American Management Association named him a “Leaders to Watch” and he has been twice named as one of the World's Top 30 Leadership Professionals by Global Gurus. Top Sales World has named him a Top Sales & Marketing Influencer several times, and his blog has been named on many “best of” lists. LeadersHum has named him one of the 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership in 2023.

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